Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So what can we do if we find ourselves loving food in a not so healthy way .Well, for me it was getting online for around 7 hours one day reading and finding out about juice fasting. The reasons why I overeat all my past hurt feelings all the people who have ever done me wrong none of that really matters. What does matter is that I asked God to help me and to forgive me for using food to replace Him . I Gave Him everything and when I said Amen I left it with Him. And did not turn around to pick some of it back up and put it in my pocket for later. For me when I even start to think I am going to eat to cover my feelings I really do have to just say NO and move on. We all have to start saying NO we all have something it might not be food .Anything that we put above God is getting in out way of our relationship with him. And we will never be happy He is our Creator He knows what is best for us and He gave us all gifts and each of us is so very unique.
So what can we do ? We have to repent and ask for forgiveness.
Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, ‘I will confess my rebellion to the LORD.’ And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone” Psalms 32:5
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord" Romans 4:7-8
Did you see that "All my sin is gone" tell yourselves that Loves.
I will blog about saying 'NO' tomorrow but, for today know that you are LOVED and that your Creator only wants the best for you and that all that you have ever gone through up to this point is for a reason . Well, we will talk about that also and I will talk about some of what went on while I was doing my 1st juice fast.

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